Telemedicine Industry Resources | The TeleMedicine Directory

Industry Resources
TeleMedicine Industry Resources

With the projected Telemedicine Market of US$36.3 Billion by 2020, the telemedicine industry is the fastest growing technology sector in the world today. Staying on top of the industry is key to ensuring your company’s position in the rapidly expanding telehealth marketplace. The Telemedicine Industry Resources Index is the place to find every resource you need to stay up-to-date. News, Events, Development Resources, Implementaion Resources, Webinars, Videos, Industry Directory and Buyer’s Guide and other resources are available, free to members to the ever widening telemedicine worldwide community.

TEMOS Medical Care

Temos is a neutral and independent certification body located with its Headquarters in Germany and different regional offices in several countries wor

Pacific Basin Telehealth Resource Center

The PBTRC is a consortium of health care experts experienced in Telehealth networks and Telehealth services. The PBTRC will serve as a Telehealth info

Personal Connected Health Alliance

The Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHA) is at the forefront of health and wellness in today's society, driving advancements in mobile and commun

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

If you are you ready to make the move into telehealth then this is the place to start. The RACGP, with support from the Australian Government Departme

Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center

Your source for confidential, objective answers and valuable insights into Telehealth issues in the Northwest.

Missouri Telehealth Network

The Missouri Telehealth Network exists to enhance access to care to underserved areas of Missouri, to provide educational opportunities for health car


MobiHealthNews, founded in 2008, has quickly become the leading provider of news, commentary, online events and research for the global mobile health


Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology

The Public Research Centre Gabriel Lippmann and the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor merge to become the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technol is the website for the South Central Telehealth Resource Center. We pride ourselves in providing learning activities and materials


Medipex is a healthcare innovation hub for NHS organisations across

Heartland Telehealth Resource Center

HTRC is a neutral source for telehealth information, federally designated by HRSA. We can help you get the most out of your telehealth investment.

ICN Telenusring Network

The ICN Telenursing Network aims to seek, educate, support and collaborate with nurses and nurse supporters from across the globe who have an interest

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE)

IHE is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. IHE promotes the co

HIT Consultant

HIT Consultant is an award winning healthcare technology focused digital media platform providing engaging interviews, videos, podcasts, and in-depth

Great Plains Telehealth Resource and Assistance Center

Maybe you are just getting started in your planning for telehealth services. Or, you may be well down the path and are just looking for some additiona


Epstein Becker Green

Epstein Becker Green helps companies navigate the many legal challenges affecting telehealth and manage the risks that can arise in a telehealth setti

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Georgian Telemedicine Union

The Georgian Telemedicine Union (Association) is not for profit organization that is focusing on proposing and implementation of eHealth and telemedic

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eMedic Teleconsultation

eMedic was a project funded by Central Baltic INTERREG IV A programme. The target of the project was to develop new practices for virtual consultation

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Econsult Corporation

Economists of Econsult Corporation have been providing expert testimony, litigation support and consulting services in many areas of economics. Using

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European Business Reliance Centre

Driven by the search of excellence, EBRC runs its ICT Trusted Services in its own highly secured data centers. Awarded ?Best Data Centre Operator in E

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Florida Partnership for TeleHealth

FPT?s vision is to positively impact the health and quality of life of the citizens of Florida through the innovative use of technology with telehealt

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Connecting Nurses

Connecting Nurses is an international project that was created for the nursing community to provide professional resources for its members around the

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Canada Health Informatics Association

Canada's Health Informatics Association is the voice of health informatics (HI) in Canada, promoting the adoption, practice and professionalism of HI.

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California Telehealth Resource Center

We are one of the country?s leading resources for telehealth education, expertise, and implementation guidance. Selected as a federally designated Tel

Brainport Development

Brainport Development is a new-style development company, working with representatives from industry, knowledge institutions and government to strengt

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Care2x Team

We strive to develop the most useful and practical integrated healthcare information system which is open for others to develop further.

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Alabama Partnership for Telehealth

APT?s vision is to positively impact the health and quality of life of the citizens of Alabama through the innovative use of technology with telehealt

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Digi International Inc.

Innovative wireless products and design services for medical devices, home health equipment and wearables.

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