AMC Health

AMC Health

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AMC Health

AMC Health provides continuous visibility into individual patient’s health status.
Our solutions empower each patient to take a more active role in managing their health and improving their quality of life.
We also connect patients with the “right care at the right time” to prevent or mitigate adverse events.

During our twelve years of advancing monitored care, we have gained valuable learning and insight from over 7 million patient days.
Twelve customer reported clinical studies demonstrated that our Real-Time Patient Management solutions
improve the care of patients with chronic illness and improve care management efficiency.
They also reduce hospitalizations, re-hospitalizations, and costs of care. Four clinical studies have been published in peer reviewed journals.
Transforming Healthcare Delivery
Real-Time Patient Management Solutions

AMC Health is transforming healthcare delivery by connecting patients to their clinical teams on a “real-time” basis, expanding their care beyond the walls of hospitals, doctors’ offices and outpatient settings. Patients’ biometric and behavioral data are collected in their homes utilizing the latest mHealth technologies. AMC Health’s technology and support solutions provide clinicians with a continuous picture of patients’ health and psychosocial status between physician visits. This transformation from episodic to continuous patient knowledge-based healthcare delivery is improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare.

Advancing Healthcare Discovery
Telehealth-Based Clinical Trials

AMC Health solutions are also being used in pharmaceutical clinical trials. Digital devices and tele-video in the home enable clinical organizations to register more patients, improve their engagement and compliance with protocols, and collect more immediate, frequent and robust patient data. This improves the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical trials, leading to earlier market launch of effective drugs and therapies at significantly reduced cost.
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