Brighter Day Health
•BDH’s mission is to bring comprehensive psychiatric and psychological behavioral health care to patients in a timely, professional, and compassio
Specialist Networks, TelePsychiatry, TelePsychology, TeleSpecialists
Bongiovi Medical and Health Technologies
Bongiovi Medical and Health Technologies (BMHT) is a spin-off of Bongiovi Acoustics BMHT concentrates on applying the paten
Applications, Services, Software
Boeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Boeckeler manufactures hardware- and app-based collaboration products for the telemedicine, distance learning & presentation markets. Connect a Pointm
Applications, Equipment, Software, VideoConferencing
Blue Cirrus Consulting
Blue Cirrus is a premier consulting firm providing skilled clinicians and project leaders to assist in meeting your Tele-health goals. Blue Cirrus par
Clinical Specialties, Service Providers, Services, Solutions Consultants
Bio Conscious
Fitness Wearables and Medical sensors collect numbers to generate a dashboard or a Body-Score. DOCTO is the first one to make sense of the numbers by
Applications, Devices, Equipment, Software
Beyond Lucid Technologies
At Beyond Lucid Technologies, our mission is to empower Emergency Responders to collect, communicate, collaborate, and analyze critical incident detai
Service Providers, Services, TeleEmergency, TeleSpecialists
AViTA Corporation
AViTA is a well-known worldwide telehealth / telemedicine solutions provider and manufacturer located in Taiwan. AViTA manufactures the aggregator and
Devices, Equipment, Remote Diagnostics, Remote Monitoring
Avera Health eCare
Avera eCARE uses interactive video and technology to create a “virtual hospital” in Sioux Falls that reaches across a 545,000-square-mile area cov
Equipment, Service Providers, VideoConferencing
Athena GTX
Athena GTX is focused on lightweight, portable, wireless, medical devices that enable medical care providers to connect with multiple patients’ medi
Devices, Equipment, Remote Diagnostics, Remote Monitoring
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an individual membership professional organization representing more than 85,000 member physical t
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Alpha Source, Inc
Alpha Source is a leading provider of innovative solutions in telehealth, teleservice, medical equipment maintenance, medical device battery manufactu
Devices, Equipment, Remote Monitoring
Akibah Health Corporation
We’re currently building products to streamline and simplify diabetes management after watching our own friends and family members struggle with the
Clinical Specialties, Patient Monitoring, Patient Monitoring, TeleDiabetes
Air Methods
Air Methods is dedicated to air medical transport, focusing on quality of care to patients & safety in aviation. Being the most experienced air med
Services, Specialist Networks, TeleEmergency, TeleSpecialists

Telehealth Resource Centers
Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs) have been established to provide assistance, education and information to organizations and individuals who are act

Telehealth and Telecare Aware
Telehealth & Telecare Aware™ has been providing a specialised, free news and information service since 2005 (originally as just ‘Telecare Aware’
Industry Resources, News & Media, Resource Organizations
Get to know Imaging On Call
Imaging On Call provides imaging services, financial solutions and cost control that help you survive – and succeed – in today’s healthcare envi
Services, Solutions, TeleSpecialists
Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center (MATRC)
Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs) provide free technical assistance, consultation, training and education. TRCs are funded by the U.S. Department of
Industry Resources
ASPYRA is a privately held, global, Software and Services Company specializing in PACS and Laboratory Information Systems. ASPYRA is recognized for p
Applications, Imaging, Platforms
Center for Telepsychology
The Center for Telepsychology provides innovative and effective professional training, education and psychological services using web-based technologi
Specialist Networks, TelePsychiatry, TelePsychology, TeleSpecialists
JSA Health Telepsychiatry
Our delivery model, specializing in emergency psychiatric evaluation and management achieves superior outcomes, increased employee safety, and increas

The Telemedicine Report: Breaking News and Vital Resources
The Telemedicine Report is a semi-monthly free bulletin, sent by e-mail, covering breaking news and vital resources in the Telemedicine Marketplace, w
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Market Research & Reports, News & Media, Resource Organizations
Vivify Health
Vivify Health has created the world?s first remote care platform based upon consumer mobile devices and is among the fastest growing digital health co
VOX Telehealth
VOX Telehealth was founded upon the single mission of creating a unique, patient-centered solution for improved, long-term recovery of medical patient
Wound Technology Network
Woundtech provides the highest level and most cost-effective managed woundcare, wherever the patient may be
ZaneNet Connect MSO Services
ZaneNet Connect deploys a multi-vendor fulfillment team that offers a wide range of MSO basic and value-added services to primary care practices. Our
Zur Institute
Telehealth, e-therapy, online therapy, online counseling, tele-medicine, e-counseling, or tele-mental health: all refer to the use of digital technolo
Education & Training
The Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC)
The Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC) was created through a federal grant (#G221T16262) to advance the effective use of telemedicine servic
Industry Resources
U.S. TeleMammography
USTeleMammography provides offsite mammography interpretations via telemammography for digital (FFDM) studies. Our mission is to elevate the standard
TeleMammography, TeleRadiology
UK TeleHealthCare
UKTelehealthcare is a membership based organisation for all Telecare and Telehealth professionals, service providers, Clinical Commissioning Groups, R
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources
Virtual Health Group
If a patient is too ill or otherwise physically unable to go to the doctor, we will bring the doctor to the patient. Doctors and patients are connecte