Arizona Telemedicine Program
The Arizona Telemedicine Program is advancing telehealth partnerships with state and national resources. We offer full-day training courses accredited
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, TeleDiabetes, TeleGynecology, TeleICU, TeleOphthalmology
ApoThera, Inc.
Real-time remote order entry, verification and off-site staffing during "after-hours", "peak demand period" or in other times of need for contracted h
Software, Solutions, TelePharmacy, TeleSpecialists
American TeleCare
Founded in 1993, American TeleCare, Inc. (ATI) pioneered video based in-home patient monitoring. ATI has worked with leading healthcare institutions,
Devices, Equipment, Patient Monitoring, Solutions, TeleCare

AMD Global Telemedicine
AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc. is the leading provider of clinical Telemedicine Encounter Management Solutions (TEMS)TM to 8,100 patient end-points in
Devices, Equipment, Patient Engagement, Software, Telemedicine Carts
Ambit International Inc.
Ambit Cloud Care is the most innovative open platform system. This platform integrates elderly care, medical services, wireless conveniences, and env
Applications, Equipment, Patient Monitoring, Solutions
Akron Children's Hospital
The Center for Telehealth Service Design is an organization-wide initiative at Akron Children's Hospital that aims to develop knowledge and expertise
Amrita Institute of Medical Science (AIMS)
Amrita Institute of Medical Science (AIMS) brings together a dedicated team of physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to provide the h
Education & Training, Industry Resources, Services, TeleSurgery
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd.
Apollo Hospitals opened its doors in 1983 and ever since nurtured a goal which read as "Our mission is to bring healthcare of international standards
A&D Engineering
A&D Engineering, headquartered in San Jose, California, is a world leader in the design and production of measurement equipment. The company's two div
Devices, Equipment, Patient Monitoring, Remote Monitoring
Anchor Hospital
Anchor uses interactive technology to assess and diagnose patients who, due to distance, are not able to access quality behavioral health services. Th
Services, TeleDiagnostics, TeleEmergency, TeleSpecialists, TeleTriage
AmeriDoc, LLC.
AmeriDoc is a leading provider of on-demand health care access services. AmeriDoc's cloud-based technology platform seamlessly and securely connects p
Physicians Networks, Physicians Networks (General), Specialist Networks, TelePediatrics, TeleSpecialists
Axon e-health
We are a company of academic and technological foundation founded in 2008 with the aim of contributing to the advancement of the health sector. We bel
Industry Resources, Research, Resource Organizations, Solutions
Audisoft Technologies
AudiSoft, headquartered in North America, is a leading global provider of mobile and wireless communications systems. The company develops and markets
Devices, Services, Software, Solutions, VideoConferencing
A & T Video Networks
A & T Video Networks Pvt. Ltd. ( Formerly A & T Network Systems Pvt. Ltd.) is a pioneer in Internet & Communication Technology Services having been es
Equipment, Imaging, Solutions, VideoConferencing
AT4 wireless
Through its worldwide network of Laboratories, AT4 wireless helps its customers to certify their products according to international standards, regula
Equipment, Industry Resources, Services, Software, Solutions

La Asociación Iberoamericana de Telesalud y Telemedicina (AITT)
The American Association of Telehealth and Telemedicine (AITT) is a nonprofit association whose mission is the promotion and coordination of programs
Associations & Organizations
Carol M. Stock & Associates
Carol M. Stock & Associates provides legal risk management, consulting, and seminars for health care organizations worldwide. Areas of expertise incl
Industry Resources, Services, Telemedicine Insurance, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine License & Licensure
Carena, Inc.
Carena goes beyond phone calls and video chat. Our integrated virtual clinic creates great patient experiences. We help some of the largest health sys
Patient Engagement, Platforms, Software, Solutions
BusinessCom Networks
From the Americas to the Pacific, our core business is to provide your organization with satellite broadband Internet access and connectivity to inter
Binaytara Foundation
The Binaytara Foundation (BTF) is a 501(c)3 non profit established with the goal of promoting health and education in underprivileged societies. BTF
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Cnow Telehealth Solutions
CNOW is the longest running provider of telehealth solutions with a specific focus on remotely serving individuals with intellectual and developmental
Software, Solutions, VideoConferencing, VideoConferencing
CloudVisit Telemedicine
CloudVisit Telemedicine is committed to providing our clients with easy-to-use telemedicine & telepsychiatry software services and solutions.
Devices, Patient Engagement, Software, TelePsychiatry, TeleSpecialists
Clinicians Telemed
Clinicians Telemed is a multi-specialty telehealth group established in 2005 because of the need to provide expanded access to medical specialty care.
Clinical Specialties, Hospital Management, Services, Solutions, Solutions Consultants
Chronic Care Consultants
Chronic Care Consultants provides the services of licensed physicians for ongoing management of stable chronic conditions. To be eligible for particip
Services, Solutions, Solutions Consultants, TeleCare, TeleSpecialists
Christus Health
CHRISTUS Physician Group's growing network of board-certified primary care doctors is good for your family's health. With online booking, we provide c
Physicians Networks, Physicians Networks (General), Services, Specialist Networks, TeleSpecialists
Centro Nacional de Excelencia Tecnologica en Salud
The National Center for Health Technology Excellence (CENETEC) is a Minister of Health agency, whose main purpose is to produce objective, reliable an
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine License & Licensure