Gaba Telepsychiatry
Now you can see your US qualified licensed & licensed Psychiatrist from anywhere in the world via our encrypted video platform. All affiliated
Physicians Networks, Service Providers, Services, Specialist Networks, TeleSpecialists
United Behavioral Health Solution Inc.
UBHS is a behavioral health provider group specializing telepsychiatry. Our psychiatrists have experience providing coverage in corrections, nursing
Clinical Specialties, Services, Specialist Networks, TelePsychiatry, TeleSpecialists
JSA Health Telepsychiatry
Our delivery model, specializing in emergency psychiatric evaluation and management achieves superior outcomes, increased employee safety, and increas
e-Psychiatry Telepsychiatry brings providers of mental health services an innovative way to staff a psychiatrist or other mental health provider witho
Services, Specialist Networks, TelePsychiatry, TelePsychology, TeleSpecialists
InSight Telepsychiatry
InSight is the leading national telepsychiatry service provider company with a mission to increase access to behavioral health care. The InSight team
Services, Specialist Networks, Specialist Networks, TelePsychiatry, TeleSpecialists
1 DocWay
Whether you are a hospital, a clinic or an individual practictioner, 1DocWay helps you grow revenue by connecting you to new and existing patients.
Integration, TeleEmergency, TelePsychiatry, TeleTriage, VideoConferencing