Resource Organizations

Access a Worldwide Network of Trade Groups, Alliances, Consortiums and Government Resources dedicated to promoting development in telemedicine and telehealth industries. The Telemedicine Resource Organization Guide is a comprehensive worldwide directory of industry associations, research consortiums, trade groups and other organizations providing regional and worldwide support to the telemedicine industry.
We have found 82 items matching your search.

Action Learning
We help business leaders 1) develop and retain good people, and 2) sell more to existing customers and new customers.
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations

Action Learning
We help business leaders 1) develop and retain good people, and 2) sell more to existing customers and new customers.
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Alabama Partnership for Telehealth
APT?s vision is to positively impact the health and quality of life of the citizens of Alabama through the innovative use of technology with telehealt
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) is the national professional association, established in 1917 to represent the interests & concer
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, TeleRehabilitation
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an individual membership professional organization representing more than 85,000 member physical t
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
American Speech-Language Hearing Association
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association provides guidance to members on telehealth practice and advocates for licensure and reimbursement sup
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations

American Telemedicine Association
The American Telemedicine Association is the leading international resource and advocate promoting the use of advanced remote medical technologies. AT
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Insurance, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine Reimbursement
Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa has over 54 years
Associations & Organizations, Resource Organizations, Service Providers

Armenian Association of Telemedicine (AATM)
ARMENIAN ASSOCIATION OF TELEMEDICINE (AATM) is a non-governmental, non-profit professional organization founded in December 2008 by a group of physici
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Technology Development
Axon e-health
We are a company of academic and technological foundation founded in 2008 with the aim of contributing to the advancement of the health sector. We bel
Industry Resources, Research, Resource Organizations, Solutions
Binaytara Foundation
The Binaytara Foundation (BTF) is a 501(c)3 non profit established with the goal of promoting health and education in underprivileged societies. BTF
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Brainport Development
Brainport Development is a new-style development company, working with representatives from industry, knowledge institutions and government to strengt
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Research, Resource Organizations, Technology Development

British Teledermatology Society
The British Teledematology Society (BTS) aims to provide a forum for the discussion and development of teledermatology within the UK.
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
California TeleHealth Network
CTN is committed to making quality care available to all patients, regardless of their location through the use of information technologies and servic
Industry Resources, Integration, Research, Resource Organizations, VideoConferencing
Canada Health Informatics Association
Canada's Health Informatics Association is the voice of health informatics (HI) in Canada, promoting the adoption, practice and professionalism of HI.
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Care2x Team
We strive to develop the most useful and practical integrated healthcare information system which is open for others to develop further.
Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Technology Development, Technology Development

Center for Connected Health Policy
The Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to maximize telehealth
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine License & Licensure
Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law (CTeL)
The Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law (CTeL) has established itself as the "go-to"? legal and regulatory telehealth organization providing vital
Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Insurance, Telemedicine Law
Centro Nacional de Excelencia Tecnologica en Salud
The National Center for Health Technology Excellence (CENETEC) is a Minister of Health agency, whose main purpose is to produce objective, reliable an
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine License & Licensure
Colorado Neurological Institute
Colorado Neurological Institute invites you to learn more about our research, patient services and education. The Mission of Colorado Neurological Ins
Education & Training, Industry Resources, Research, Resource Organizations, Technology Development

COMSATS (Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in South)
COMSATS is an intergovernmental organization with its permanent Secretariat based in Islamabad, Pakistan. Established in 1994, the organization compri
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Research, Resource Organizations
Connecting Nurses
Connecting Nurses is an international project that was created for the nursing community to provide professional resources for its members around the
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Constant Care
Constant Care Management Company oversees all aspects of management and maintenance of communities including health care and nursing, dietary operatio
Education & Training, Industry Resources, Remote Monitoring, Resource Organizations, TeleMonitoring
Council of Community Clinics
The Council of Community Clinics assists its 16-member community clinics to provide care to 1 in 6 San Diegans. San Diego has the eighth largest Hispa
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Law
El Centro de Análisis de Imágenes Biomédicas Computarizadas
The Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Computerized (CAIBCO) offers content in health, refereed, certificates and evidence-based, using the Internet
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Research, Resource Organizations
eMedic Teleconsultation
eMedic was a project funded by Central Baltic INTERREG IV A programme. The target of the project was to develop new practices for virtual consultation
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, TeleDiabetes, TeleSpecialists
Epstein Becker Green
Epstein Becker Green helps companies navigate the many legal challenges affecting telehealth and manage the risks that can arise in a telehealth setti
Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Insurance, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine License & Licensure
European Business Reliance Centre
Driven by the search of excellence, EBRC runs its ICT Trusted Services in its own highly secured data centers. Awarded ?Best Data Centre Operator in E
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Platforms, Resource Organizations

European Health Telematics Association
Founded in 1999, EHTEL (the European Health Telematics Association) is a pan European multi-stakeholder forum providing a leadership and networking pl
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, News & Media, Resource Organizations
Fiscal Tiger: Healthcare Finance Glossary
Fiscal Tiger offers a glossary for consumers covering the terms used in healthcare finance to help us make better, more informed financial decisions w
Education & Training, Industry Resources, Research, Research, Resource Organizations
Florida Partnership for TeleHealth
FPT?s vision is to positively impact the health and quality of life of the citizens of Florida through the innovative use of technology with telehealt
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine License & Licensure