Resource Organizations

Access a Worldwide Network of Trade Groups, Alliances, Consortiums and Government Resources dedicated to promoting development in telemedicine and telehealth industries. The Telemedicine Resource Organization Guide is a comprehensive worldwide directory of industry associations, research consortiums, trade groups and other organizations providing regional and worldwide support to the telemedicine industry.
We have found 82 items matching your search.
Canada Health Informatics Association
Canada's Health Informatics Association is the voice of health informatics (HI) in Canada, promoting the adoption, practice and professionalism of HI.
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Connecting Nurses
Connecting Nurses is an international project that was created for the nursing community to provide professional resources for its members around the
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Georgian Telemedicine Union
The Georgian Telemedicine Union (Association) is not for profit organization that is focusing on proposing and implementation of eHealth and telemedic
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine License & Licensure
eMedic Teleconsultation
eMedic was a project funded by Central Baltic INTERREG IV A programme. The target of the project was to develop new practices for virtual consultation
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, TeleDiabetes, TeleSpecialists
Epstein Becker Green
Epstein Becker Green helps companies navigate the many legal challenges affecting telehealth and manage the risks that can arise in a telehealth setti
Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Insurance, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine License & Licensure
European Business Reliance Centre
Driven by the search of excellence, EBRC runs its ICT Trusted Services in its own highly secured data centers. Awarded ?Best Data Centre Operator in E
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Platforms, Resource Organizations
Florida Partnership for TeleHealth
FPT?s vision is to positively impact the health and quality of life of the citizens of Florida through the innovative use of technology with telehealt
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine License & Licensure

iTeleMedicine is the industry meeting place for researchers, developers, manufacturers, service providers and end-users in the TeleMedicine and TeleHe
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Market Research & Reports, News & Media, Resource Organizations, TeleMedicine Journals, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine License & Licensure

The Telemedicine Report: Breaking News and Vital Resources
The Telemedicine Report is a semi-monthly free bulletin, sent by e-mail, covering breaking news and vital resources in the Telemedicine Marketplace, w
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Market Research & Reports, News & Media, Resource Organizations

Telehealth and Telecare Aware
Telehealth & Telecare Aware™ has been providing a specialised, free news and information service since 2005 (originally as just ‘Telecare Aware’
Industry Resources, News & Media, Resource Organizations
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an individual membership professional organization representing more than 85,000 member physical t
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
ISfTeH (International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth)
The ISfTeH is primarely the FEDERATION of National Telemedicine/eHealth Societies or Associations. It also offers membership to other Associations, In
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Kepler Health Law
Tara Kepler, JD, MPA is the most published and sought-after legal expert on telemedicine. She has been advising multistate telemedicine companies sin
Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, Telemedicine Law, Telemedicine License & Licensure

The Utah Telehealth Network (UTN)
The Utah Telehealth Network (UTN) links patients to health care providers across our state, country and the world by using leading edge telecommunicat
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) is the national professional association, established in 1917 to represent the interests & concer
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations, TeleRehabilitation
American Speech-Language Hearing Association
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association provides guidance to members on telehealth practice and advocates for licensure and reimbursement sup
Associations & Organizations, Industry Resources, Resource Organizations
Healthcare Info Security
HealthcareInfoSecurity is a multi-media website published by Information Security Media Group, Corp. (ISMG), a company specializing in coverage of inf
Resource Organizations
George Clinical CRO
We are a leading CRO in Asia, providing quality clinical trial services from start to finish, augmented by science and innovation.
Resource Organizations is your go-to online educational information source for on acid reflux, its causes and the latest treatment options available for those
Resource Organizations
Maryville University Online — Nursing Programs
Do you want to make a greater contribution to the nursing field? Start with your education. There are multiple pathways into our online nursing progra
Associations & Organizations, Education & Training, Research, Resource Organizations
Fiscal Tiger: Healthcare Finance Glossary
Fiscal Tiger offers a glossary for consumers covering the terms used in healthcare finance to help us make better, more informed financial decisions w
Education & Training, Industry Resources, Research, Research, Resource Organizations
Online Counseling Programs
There are many factors to consider when deciding which university counseling program best suits your goals. Whether you are a practicing professional,
Education & Training, Industry Resources, Market Research & Reports, Research, Resource Organizations